Dec 30, 2023

It is common for people to not think about their tires. However, tires that are in good condition are an essential part of the driving experience. Properly inflated tires with adequate tread depth are necessary for good handling and braking. Keep reading to discover if it is time to visit your Chevy dealership for new tires.  

Depending on several factors, including how often you have your tires rotated and how aggressively you drive, you may need to replace your tires every six years. To keep your tires in good condition for as long as possible, you need to take care of them regularly. For example, you should check your tire pressure monthly. Your tires should remain inflated to the manufacturer-recommended PSI.

Another great way to extend the useful life of your tires is to have them rotated at least once annually or every 10,000 miles. Furthermore, you should be mindful when you drive that aggressive acceleration or braking will cause your tires to wear out faster.

How Can I Tell Whether My Tires Should Be Replaced? 

Check Your Tires’ Tread Depth

One of the clearest signs that it is time to replace your tires is inadequate tread depth. You must replace your tires if the tread of your tires is not at least 1/16″ deep. One easy way to identify the depth of your tires is to put a penny in the tread of your tire.

The penny should be placed in the tread with President Lincoln’s head upside down. If you can see his whole head, your tread is no longer deep enough, and you need a new set of tires.

Check Your Tires’ Sidewalls 

You can also tell it is time to replace your tires by looking at their sidewalls. If you see anything bubbling or bulging, a certified Chevy technician should inspect your tires as soon as possible. Bulging in the sidewall indicates the presence of a weak spot in the tire. This can lead to your tire blowing out, especially if you drive over debris in the road.

Pay Attention to How Driving Feels

You should also replace your tires if driving your vehicle starts to feel different. For example, your tires should be replaced if you can feel your vehicle shaking regardless of the speed at which you drive.

As a general rule, you should replace your tires every six years. However, you may need to replace your tires more often if you drive aggressively and don’t have them rotated at least every year or 10,000 miles. To determine if your tires should be replaced, schedule an appointment with us at Cheraw Chevrolet